Paquera Properties

Southern Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica
One of the Earth’s very rare Blue Zones.
Amazing beaches, rich with wildlife, and with new infrastructure in place, easily accessible.

The area

coffee community


Costa Ricans, or Tico’s as they call themselves, are gracious, proud of their heritage, and full of life.  The sense of community is strong in this region and there are many groups and associations committed to maintaining a balance where local traditions and interests are enriched while opportunities for visitors and growth is encouraged.
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making coffee


Until very recently it was difficult to get to this area. The highway north to Guanacaste has been completely rebuilt and is now one of the best roads in the country.  Ferry service to the mainland has been expanded too, and from Puntarenas you are less than 90 minutes from the capitol, San Jose.  The barriers to development are now gone, but great values in real estate are still here.

brew techniques


A key item to consider when investing, retiring or spending time in Costa Rica is what amenities are in the area?
Restaurants & Bars, Coffee & Ice Cream shops, many kinds of stores, all are here.  This area also has some of the best wild life refuges and national parks too.  This is a great place for you and your guests to explore and expierience Costa Rica’s Pura Vida.

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Featured Listings

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Hotel Site

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Cacao Farm

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Forever Views

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Island Get-Away

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paquera Properties

An hour south of Nicoya, Guanacaste.  45 minutes east of Montezuma and Santa Teresa.  A short ferry ride from Punteranas where the capitol of San Jose is less than 90 minutes away.

Paquera, Punteranas, Costa Rica